Brighton & Hove City Council



COMMITTEE                                           Agenda Item 15(c)


Subject:                    Members Letters


Date of Meeting:     10 October 2024


Wards Affected:      All







1.1      To receive any Members letters submitted to Democratic Services.




2.2      That the Committee responds to the Members letters.



Dear Cllr McGregor, Chair of the Licensing Committee,

I am writing to request that this Licensing Committee accepts the need to organise and promote a citywide LGBTQ+ Safe Spaces App. for Brighton & Hove as part of an organised strategy to make the city more welcoming and safer for everyone who either lives or visits here. Currently, the city lacks a citywide, unified way for members of the LGBTQ+ community and all vulnerable groups to identify safe spaces if the need is required whether physically or emotionally. Previous attempts to create a safe spaces app. failed due, in part, to the involvement of the police who are generally mistrusted by the LGBTQ+ community, and others, including women who have felt amongst others, ignored, blamed and shamed.

The Back Off. Back Up. (BOBU) app already successfully exists. It was designed and created by #acrossrainbows, however it needs to expand its network for it to provide a fully inclusive citywide safe spaces service, where staff have been given correct queer-centred inclusivity training to assist anyone feeling concerned or unsafe. This aligns with the city’s commitment to safety, diversity and inclusivity, and will help local businesses create safer environments for all residents and visitors, particularly vulnerable communities.

The BOBU app will:

A. Create safe, inclusive, and welcoming public spaces for all, with a strong focus on the LGBTQ+ community and other vulnerable groups.

B. Connect users to local businesses that prioritise respect, safety, and inclusivity through a comprehensive training programme

C. Helps user find nearby restaurants, venues, and businesses that have undergone special training to provide safe and inclusive environments. These designated "safe spaces" offer:

a.    A refuge where people can leave uncomfortable situations.

b.    Staff who are ready to help without questions.

c.    Areas to charge phones or arrange rides home.

D. Enables people to socialise comfortably in safe spaces, promoting acceptance and inclusivity.

E. Provide stress-free access to a directory of inclusive businesses, including venues offering sexual health support (e.g., HIV testing) while maintaining user privacy.

In order to make the app more inclusive, it needs to be effectively promoted. As a way of centralising contact information and to encourage a unified, citywide app, it is proposed that venues sign up via the BHCC website to qualify for a 50% discount on the BOBU programme fee. It is also requested that opportunities to discuss safety in Brighton & Hove are initiated between #acrossrainbows and relevant Council teams.

Therefore, I am requesting that this committee either notes this proposal or requests a report to assess the viability of the council to bring these proposals to fruition.

Yours sincerely.


Cllr Kerry Pickett
Licensing Committee (Licensing Act 2003 Functions) (Opposition Spokesperson)
Licensing Committee (Non-Licensing Act 2003 Functions) (Opposition Spokesperson)


Supporting Information:


[1] Back Off. Back Up. | Download the BOBU App | Brighton & Hove UK (

[2] Across Rainbows | LGBTQ+ Community | Brighton & Hove